Data Conversion to XML

The conversion of data into XML format renders it easily retrievable. The versatility of XML allows for the conversion of various types of documents, ranging from print works to microfiche. As a result of its convenience and adaptability, many prominent companies have adopted XML as their preferred file format.

Outsource XML Data Conversion to India

If you are in search of a reliable and proficient provider for outsourcing XML conversion jobs, Ares Technology Data Entry Services is an ideal option. We are committed to offering high-quality XML conversions at competitive prices. Our skilled team is well-equipped to handle any input source, whether digitized or in print. With our expertise and attention to detail, we guarantee accurate and efficient conversions that meet all of your requirements. You can trust us to handle your XML conversion needs with the utmost professionalism and reliability.


In order to initiate the process of conversion, the primary sources are scanned and transformed into digital files that are suitable for online publishing.

"The advantages of XML Conversion Services are manifold. XML Schemas and DTD’s are much more convenient to comprehend and interpret compared to their source files. Since the XML style sheets can be formatted, it becomes possible to create multiple representations of the same XML document. Additionally, W3C standard, which is a global standard of XML, enjoys universal recognition."


In accordance with our client's specifications, we undertake the task of editing the scanned images to enhance their quality and rectify any deficiencies as necessary. Our team of experts employs industry-standard techniques to ensure that the images are optimized to the highest degree possible while maintaining their integrity. Our meticulous approach guarantees that the final product meets the highest standards of quality and accuracy.


The conversion of scanned images and documents into an editable format is achieved by employing both OCR and manual techniques. The resultant files are often easier to comprehend and interpret compared to their original formats. These documents can be augmented with meta-data, and can also be presented in various styles. The process of conversion not only ensures the legibility of the text, but also facilitates its manipulation, making it more versatile and user-friendly.

Citation Tagging

Our service includes the tagging of citations for your documents by conducting a thorough search through online resources for bibliographic information. This information is then utilized to establish a comprehensive bibliographic database for a given project.

Meta-data Services

Our company provides meta-data services that involve capturing the primary identifiable details of each source document. In addition to this, we also specialize in processing SGML, HTML, or XML conversions to ensure that these sources are easily searchable. Our commitment to providing high-quality services extends beyond these offerings, as we also provide a range of other services. We invite you to review our related links for more information on the additional support we offer.