Healthcare redaction refers to the process of removing sensitive or confidential information from healthcare records or documents, to protect patient privacy and comply with regulatory requirements such as HIPAA. The redaction process may be performed either manually or through automated software tools, depending on the complexity and volume of the data involved.

Here is a general overview of the Healthcare redaction process

Healthcare redaction refers to the process of removing sensitive or confidential information from healthcare records or documents, to protect patient privacy and comply with regulatory requirements such as HIPAA. The redaction process may be performed either manually or through automated software tools, depending on the complexity and volume of the data involved. Healthcare redaction is essential for protecting patient privacy and confidentiality. Sensitive information that may need to be redacted includes patient names, social security numbers, medical diagnoses, test results, and treatment plans. Any unauthorized disclosure of this information can result in serious consequences such as identity theft, discrimination, or even harm or embarrassment to the patient.

The redaction process is typically carried out by trained professionals, such as healthcare providers, medical coders, or legal professionals, who have a thorough understanding of the importance of patient privacy and the legal and ethical obligations regarding the handling of sensitive information. Redaction can be a time-consuming and labour-intensive process and may require specialized software tools to ensure accuracy and efficiency.

Healthcare redaction is a critical process that must be carried out with the utmost care and attention to detail to protect patient privacy and comply with regulatory requirements. It is an essential component of healthcare record-keeping and is necessary to ensure that sensitive information remains confidential and secure

In healthcare, several types of redactions are commonly used to protect patient privacy and comply with regulatory requirements. The different types of redactions are:


PID refers to Personally Identifiable Data. Frequently redacted PID includes

Personally Identifiable Data (PID) refers to information that can be used to identify a particular individual. Examples of PID that are frequently redacted include: date of birth, social security number, loan number, account number, FHA number, FHA account number, FHA case number, MERS phone number, SIS number, APN, parcel number, non-recording bar codes, assessor/tax ID, and handwriting that contains any sequence of digits or dates (except page numbers). Control Number and any unidentified sequence of numbers that may be considered PID are exceptions to this, except for Merger docs.

PHI refers to protected health information. Frequently redacted PHI includes

Protected health information (PHI) includes personal details of patients such as their names, addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, social security numbers, and medical record numbers. Other sensitive information such as account numbers, health plan beneficiary numbers, certification/license numbers, vehicle identification numbers, serial numbers, device identification numbers, names of relatives, and biometric identifiers like fingerprints and full face x-rays are also considered PHI. Such information is frequently redacted to protect the privacy and security of patients.

Frequently used forms with redactions include

Frequently used file formats that require redactions include JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), JPEG-XR (Windows Media Photo / HD Photo), and PNG (Portable Network Graphics). Other file types that may require redactions include PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format), RTF (Rich Text Format), TXT (ASCII Text), DOC (Microsoft Word Document), DOCX (Microsoft Word Document 2007 & above), XLS (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet), and P (Portable Network Graphics).

If you are unable to find the required file format for redaction, please contact us and our IT department will work to support your software requirements. We may also be able to incorporate your file format. For further details, please feel free to inquire with us.