Logistics redaction services are an essential process for securely removing or masking sensitive information from diverse documents, images, and data within the logistics industry. This process ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and compliance of sensitive information, such as personal data, financial details, or proprietary information, and is critical for maintaining the trust and credibility of the organization. The logistics industry handles a significant amount of confidential data, and the redaction process is an effective way to protect this information from unauthorized access, misuse, or theft. By employing logistics redaction services, companies can mitigate the risks associated with data breaches, protect their reputation, and comply with relevant regulations. It is therefore imperative for logistics organizations to engage professional redaction services to ensure the safe handling of sensitive information.

Our Services


PID refers to Personally Identifiable Data. Frequently redacted PID includes

Personally Identifiable Data (PID) refers to information that can be used to identify a particular individual. Examples of PID that are frequently redacted include: date of birth, social security number, loan number, account number, FHA number, FHA account number, FHA case number, MERS phone number, SIS number, APN, parcel number, non-recording bar codes, assessor/tax ID, and handwriting that contains any sequence of digits or dates (except page numbers). Control Number and any unidentified sequence of numbers that may be considered PID are exceptions to this, except for Merger docs.

PHI refers to protected health information. Frequently redacted PHI includes

Protected health information (PHI) includes personal details of patients such as their names, addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers, social security numbers, and medical record numbers. Other sensitive information such as account numbers, health plan beneficiary numbers, certification/license numbers, vehicle identification numbers, serial numbers, device identification numbers, names of relatives, and biometric identifiers like fingerprints and full face x-rays are also considered PHI. Such information is frequently redacted to protect the privacy and security of patients.

Frequently used forms with redactions include

Frequently used file formats that require redactions include JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), JPEG-XR (Windows Media Photo / HD Photo), and PNG (Portable Network Graphics). Other file types that may require redactions include PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format), RTF (Rich Text Format), TXT (ASCII Text), DOC (Microsoft Word Document), DOCX (Microsoft Word Document 2007 & above), XLS (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet), and P (Portable Network Graphics).

If you are unable to find the required file format for redaction, please contact us and our IT department will work to support your software requirements. We may also be able to incorporate your file format. For further details, please feel free to inquire with us.

Redacted document types include, but are not limited to

Document redaction is a common practice that involves hiding or removing sensitive information from certain types of official documents. The types of documents that are commonly redacted include, but are not limited to: court records, legal discovery documents, UCC filings, deed of trust documents, notes, escrow statements, banking statements, credit card statements, financial statements, shipping and transit receipts, medical records, progress notes, mental health records, police reports, emails, and education records.